True Life: Last Week of My Undergrad Career | Day 1

A seven day blog series.

After all of the darkness and sadness, Soon comes happiness
If I surround myself with positive things, I’ll gain prosperity

A gem from Michelle.

darkness and sadness → college • happiness → graduation • positive things → Naeemah• prosperity → an A on my exam

I have listened to that song 5x times in the past hour trying to pump  myself up to study for this last final.  I made the mistake of going on Twitter and Facebook earlier and seeing all the “Done!” posts really killed my spirit. Nonetheless it is the 7th — a lucky number, my birthday (Sept), but more importantly it symbolizes the 7 days I have left as an undergrad student.

It’s fitting that I start out these last 7 days doing what I have done for the past four years—- freaking out, procrastinating, yet all in all getting my work done. My last final is tomorrow morning at 9 am.

I’ll keep this post short as I need to pass my final to graduate, but I’m hoping to make this week unforgettable.