True Life: Last Week of My Undergrad Career | Day 3

A seven day blog series.

“Prom on steroids” #seniorformal

No rest for the weary. I got up at the crack of dawn (aka 9 am) to get my hair done [finally!!]. One thing I won’t miss about Philly is the lack of adequate hair salons.  I was supposed to walk out of the salon with bouncy curls and ended up walking out with bone straight hair. Still I’m glad my hair finally got the TLC it needed after being neglected during exam period.

After my 3 hour salon trip, I went to Max Brenner with my former roommate and friend for dessert. Before we left, I surprised her with a collage of pictures of my roommates from freshman and sophomore year. It was nice. At Max Brenner we talked about the past, present, and future over hot chocolate and milkshakes.  She gave me a pair of beautiful earrings that were perfect for my formal dress. I had a really great time.

Once I got back to campus, I had time for a short nap before it was time for formal-prep. I had two friends come over and help me pick out my dress. They made me pancakes so I wouldn’t have to go to formal hungry! Of course my friends and I were supposed to meet up at 9 to get there at 9:30/10:00 and we didn’t end up leaving until 10. Typical.

Once we finally got to formal, we had an amazing time. Even though the DJ was terrible (playing Z100’s playlist from 2011) it was great to see my whole class looking great and enjoying themselves. Check out the pics!!

The night ended at IHOP —> the worst decision of my life. lol Beyond the terrible food, we had almost as much fun debriefing as we had at the actual formal. Senior Formal = success.

True Life: Last Week of My Undergrad Career | Day 2

A seven day blog series.

Even imperfection itself may have its ideal or perfect state.

So in true form, on my second day of blogging I didn’t blog. haha BUT I’m making up for it by posting my Day 2 blog now. And really this speaks to the imperfection of life and one of the biggest lessons I have learned at Penn.


I came to Penn still believing in perfection. Though high school was anything but a cakewalk, I finished with everything I could have wanted — amazing friends, awards, and a place in the class of 2012 at an ivy league university. During the past four years, through trials and tribulations, I have learned everything does not turn out how you planned. Mistakes happen. Rejection happens. Tragedy strikes. Bad grades magically appear. Nonetheless the only way to get through it is to take some time to work through your feelings, regroup, and keep pushing. Even though I’m not graduating with everything I could ever dream of (Michael Ealy’s twin for a boyfriend, an amazing full time job, Summa Cum Laude), I still have so much to be grateful for. And it’s funny because most of the things that didn’t work out were actually for the best (and I am not just saying that to pump myself up, they really were).

Tuesday morning I took my last final at Penn. Ever. Typing it gives it a more official feel, but it definitely didn’t fully hit me at the time or even now. As soon as I finished it was time to gear up for all the senior week events and goodbyes. Went to Cosi with my girls and for the first time in weeks we were able to just relax and talk. The first senior event was a clambake themed party at the President’s house. It was short, but a cute way to start out the week. After the party I was able to hang out with two of my friends I haven’t seen in SUCH a long time. I had a great time catching up and really just trying to soak in these last few experiences I’ll share with them on campus. I guess you could say the day was anticlimactic, but it was a good way to transition from exam mode to graduation mode.

***(Of course if anything is misspelled/worded in this post, it was because I was trying to prove a point about imperfection.)

True Life: Last Week of My Undergrad Career | Day 1

A seven day blog series.

After all of the darkness and sadness, Soon comes happiness
If I surround myself with positive things, I’ll gain prosperity

A gem from Michelle.

darkness and sadness → college • happiness → graduation • positive things → Naeemah• prosperity → an A on my exam

I have listened to that song 5x times in the past hour trying to pump  myself up to study for this last final.  I made the mistake of going on Twitter and Facebook earlier and seeing all the “Done!” posts really killed my spirit. Nonetheless it is the 7th — a lucky number, my birthday (Sept), but more importantly it symbolizes the 7 days I have left as an undergrad student.

It’s fitting that I start out these last 7 days doing what I have done for the past four years—- freaking out, procrastinating, yet all in all getting my work done. My last final is tomorrow morning at 9 am.

I’ll keep this post short as I need to pass my final to graduate, but I’m hoping to make this week unforgettable.