(NO)vember: Because You Can’t Say Yes, Until You’ve Said No


I have neglected ayminor.com in the last few months, but for good reason –

In September, I published a collection of short stories, Climbing Vines submitted by 16 black UPENN alumnae and undergraduate women. #IDoIt

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In October, it was time to switch gears to my Dad’s 60th birthday – a surprise. Needless to say I almost lost my mind for the second month in a row.

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Handmade centerpieces I created for the party.

Which brings me to (NO)vember.

Although the past few months have been about things that I love, and people that I love, it’s time to focus on me. Other than my required obligations, mainly being my job, if I’m not interested in attending or participating, the answer is no. And what does that mean? I can finally get back to my blog! And music! And naps! #NOvember

Here’s an exercise I might try from Oprah.com to make sure “no” rolls off the tongue:

1. For one week, keep track of how many times you say yes to something that is not on your Absolute Yes List.

2. At the end of the week, tally up the number…surprised? Awareness is the first step to realigning your decisions and priorities.

3. Make a list of five things you’d like to say no to. Start by thinking about these questions.

If you could say no to someone or something, knowing that there would be absolutely no hard feelings or negative consequences, who or what would you say no to? Is there a project you would give up? A relationship you would end? A date you might break?

At first, saying no might create some internal guilt. But the tough choices you make today will help you reach a happier place tomorrow.

Read the full article here.